Though the listing agent is responsible for getting our listing to appear on top real estate websites, as home sellers, we share the same concern about looking into ways how to make our property saleable. After all, both sellers and listing agent aims for the same goal — to make a sale. Zillow, being the leading real estate marketplace in the US, has a tool that allows sellers to be engaged in their listing’s performance.

Here are the steps to view your listing’s activity on Zillow and manage notifications therewith:

  1. Go to Zillow’s home page and search for your property’s address.

  2. Once your listing shows up, go to the “More” option at the upper right corner and select “View owner dashboard”.

  3. You should land on a page to claim your listing. Please see the below photo as a reference.

  4. If you have an existing Zillow account, you will be asked to sign in. However, if you do not have an account, kindly create a new account or connect through different options; Apple, Facebook, or Google.

  5. Congratulations! You have claimed ownership of your property’s listing. You should see a dashboard of your listing’s performance as compared to similar active listings. Scroll down to see other reports for your listing.

    To receive daily updates on your listing’s performance, go to “My Zillow” and select “Subscriptions”.

  6. In this section, you can manage your notifications. You may or may not choose to get email notifications on your market activity. However, we recommend that you subscribe to any notifications regarding your listing. Scroll down and see or select which notifications you wish to receive. It is important that you subscribe to daily reports. Hence, ensure that “Daily listing reports” option is selected.